Welcome from Head Of School

Welcome From Secondary Principal

Greetings from the Secondary School! We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to you in joining our vibrant learning community. As an IB school, Global Jaya School positions students at the heart of our educational approach, fostering a well-rounded perspective to teaching and learning. Our dedicated educators are deeply committed to delivering an exceptional learning experience, motivating students to consistently connect their academic endeavors with real- world contexts.

Our curriculum encompasses a comprehensive range of subjects, designed to cater to the academic and emotional growth of each student, and ensuring their path to success. Students are inspired to explore local and global issues and empowered to take the lead in their own activities and proposals. Our curriculum also offers exposure to a variety of languages reflecting the IB's emphasis on multilingualism and cultural understanding.

To nurture personal development, self-awareness, global consciousness, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills, all students actively participate in community service projects, engaging in Service as Action and CAS programs. These projects cultivate civic engagement and a strong sense of social responsibility. Furthermore, GJS provides a diverse range of After School Activities that foster improved social and emotional competencies, including intrinsic motivation, enhanced concentration, and a sense of self-worth.

We invite you to discover how Global Jaya School's unique approach ensures a nurturing balance between Indonesian and international standards, promoting cultural-rich learning opportunities and enduring personal experiences that prepare students to excel as global citizens in their future endeavors. Explore our website and learn more about the ways you can engage with our educational community. Join us on this exciting educational journey!

Warm regards,

Ibu Nelsy Saravia

Our address :

Global Jaya School
Emerald Boulevard
Bintaro Jaya Sektor IX
Tangerang 15224 Indonesia
Tel: (62 21) 745 7562
Whatsapp: 0811 1202 3761
Email : ask@globaljaya.com