Welcome From PYP Coordinator

Dear all,

I want to welcome you to Global Jaya School. In Primary School, we offer Primary Years Programme (PYP) for children aged 4 to 12. PYP offers comprehensive educational approaches that focus on fostering the holistic development of a child through various activities and experiences inside and outside of the classrooms.

At GJS, we recognise that beliefs, emotions, feelings and attitudes can significantly impact our students' learning. Therefore, we emphasise a child's social, emotional, and academic aspects. We explore personal and group interests together, build a strong sense of self and identity, and appreciate and respect diverse cultures. We explore various positive coping strategies when facing challenges. We use multiple methods to learn and unlearn. We see learning as a lasting growth that we continuously reflect upon. We empower students to take meaningful actions.

To understand more about our implementation of the PYP and how it aligns with our educational philosophy and values, I invite you to explore our site further.

Warmest regards,
Lasin Ilbay
PYP Coordinator

Our address :

Global Jaya School
Emerald Boulevard
Bintaro Jaya Sektor IX
Tangerang 15224 Indonesia
Tel: (62 21) 745 7562
Whatsapp: 0811 1202 3761
Email : ask@globaljaya.com