Teaching and Learning
- Develop, enhance and evaluate Schoolwide Learner Outcomes related to Literacy, Numeracy, Learner Profile and ATLs.
- Plan, implement and embed AERO K12 standards across all subjects.
- Enhance, embed and resource, and evaluate whole-school Inclusion Provisions.
- Further embed Service Learning in all areas of curriculum.
- Continue to develop and evaluate Data practices.
- Continue strategic planning, provision and evaluation of Professional Learning.
- Identify and fully utilise ManageBac platform capabilities.
Community, Culture & Wellness
- Utilise and evaluate the CASEL framework and accompanying resources to enhance Pastoral / Wellbeing Practices
- Enhance and evaluate Extra/Co-curricular, Athletics and Community Offerings, building on partnerships with Parents Association, Alumni and Community Organizations
- Further develop and evaluate the GJS Communication Strategy
- Increase awareness, understanding and access of Support Programs and services by students and faculty.
- Explore, identify, socialise and implement provisions for further Student Awards / Scholarships
Infrastructure Development
- Develop a comprehensive Facilities Plan, inclusive of new facilities and existing facilities renewal, that meets Yayasan approval.
- Further, develop, implement, socialise and evaluate the Information, Communication and Technology Plan
- Ensure organisational sustainability practices address faculty and student Recruitment and Retention
- Develop and implement financial strategies to protect and increase school Revenue Streams
- Develop, implement, socialise and evaluate the schools Marketing Plan.
- Further, develop and support school initiatives towards achieving Green School Status.