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Service Learning

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Creativity, Activity, Service

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) was designed for students to have their unique experiences throughout their DP (Diploma Programme) journey. Some of the GJS alumni who have shared their stories, they highlighted their high-school time from many CAS projects of CAS experiences that they have done. They get to work with their friends, planning and designing a project for certain periods of time, they experience the community work with the local people, or dealing with third parties to support their projects, etc. 

Some CAS Projects have been done by GJS students such as Hawkspot Overture and Hawkspot Airborne, and have taught the life skills needed that the students will not get from their class. 

Or when our students held an event for unaccompanied minors (a collaborative work with UNHCR), they spend a day to understand the needs of being physically active and being outdoors for those unaccompanied minors. 

Or when our students spend 5 days in Lampung, to help build some public facilities. They learned how to communicate with local people in Lampung and bond some memorable interactions with students in Lampung as well. 

CAS is organized around three strands of creativity, activity and service defined as follows. 

Creativity - exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance. 
Activity - physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle. 
Service - collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need (CAS Guide 2017 p.8) 

From the variety of CAS experiences we hope that GJS students will become a well rounded person, and ready with the challenges they will be facing in the future.

Service as Action

Service as Action is a student community service program offered throughout MYP levels, from Year 7-10, where the students are able to exercise to be caring, open minded and collaborative individuals. Through Service as Action, Global Jaya students initiate or join service activities which focus on helping extended communities in needs. They contribute to society in experiential learning nature, outside their school hours. Global Jaya establishes Week Without Walls, a week dedicated for students doing their community service activities, among others is Service as Action. Week Without Walls is scheduled annually to allow the students plan, execute and reflect their service activities. To allow students to have more time to prepare their service activities, Week Without Walls is usually held in term 1. That way, students can prepare their next year service activities in term 4 and during their school holiday. 

In Service as Action, students reflect and focus on how to: 
1. Become more aware of their own strengths and areas for growth. 
2. Undertake challenges that develop new skills. 
3. Discuss, evaluate and plan student-initiated activities. 
4. Persevere in action. 
5. Work collaboratively with others. 
6. Develop international-mindedness through global engagement, multilingualism and intercultural understanding. 
7. Consider the ethical implications of their action.