It is highly recommended for all students to enrol in an After School Activity (ASA) as it extends their physical, academic, social and emotional experiences and activities. The activities provide students with another avenue to connect with their peers, it also helps to develop self-esteem, persistence, resilience and teamwork. These activities are organised and led by teachers and outside providers and take place outside the normal school timetable.
The programme caters to students from Year 1 to Year 12 on regular school days. Various activities, including embroidery, dance, choir, martial arts, journalist club, photography, coding and arts and crafts are offered. All activities are free of charge except for activities run by outside providers.
After School Activities (ASA) for Global Jaya students begin at the start of each semester. Once a student has been accepted into an activity there is a clear expectation of a 100% commitment. If a student is not able to join activities due to sickness or other complications, parents are required to inform the teacher in charge of the activity through the student diary or by phone. If a student does not attend an ASA three (3) times without explanation, they may be removed as a participant in the activity and replaced by another student.
Students may have a maximum of three (3) ASA choices. The choices of activities are available online each semester. Students are to honour their commitments to the activities by attending them on time and doing what is required.