Global Jaya School facilitates the development of lifelong learners who:
- Are creative problem solvers with a broad perspective of the world around them.
- Are respectful, moral individuals who take pride in their national heritage.
- Are equipped to participate in the international community as team members and leaders.
Based on the vision, Global Jaya School will:
- Provide experiences through which the knowledge and skills necessary to encourage problem solving are developed.
- Cater for individual learning needs and a range of learning styles.
- Develop students’ communication skills to actualise their academic potential in both English and Bahasa Indonesia or their mother tongue.
- Deliver and enrich an internationally accredited curriculum within an Indonesian context.
School-Wide Learner Outcomes
As an International Baccalaureate World School, GJS has adopted and continues to support the IB Learner Profile as our School-wide Learner Outcomes. The Learner Profile attributes align strongly and effectively and further articulate the GJS Mission and Vision and vice-versa. School-wide Learner Outcomes enable GJS students to become:
- Inquirers
- Knowledgeable
- Thinkers
- Communicators
- Principled
- Open-Minded
- Caring
- Risk-takers
- Balanced
- Reflective
School-Wide Global Competencies
The International Baccalaureate Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills have been identified as the Global Competencies we seek to develop within our GJS students. These interrelated skills seek to empower students of all ages to become self-regulated learners who can ask relevant questions, set meaningful goals, and put effective strategies to use in order to achieve their goals. The approaches to learning skill categories of communication, social, self-management, research, and thinking promote learning as an active and dynamic process.