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The Global Jaya School Board comprises of 3 Directors from our Yayasan Pendidikan Jaya, the GJS Parents Association Chairperson, 3 Parent Representatives (one for each of the PYP, MYP and DP programmes), our General Manager and Head of School. This advisory body convenes three to four times per school year, to discuss a wide range of matters related to GJS operation and management: student enrolment, student achievement, staffing, school fees, risk assessment, strategic planning and so on. In particular, the Parent Representatives serve as a voice of their constituents, helping the board as a whole understand concerns and viewpoints that are prevalent. The information shared, inputs and feedback provided help guide the School Leadership Team in performing their functions with the school's day-to-day operations. 

The Global Jaya School-School Board for the 2023-2024 school year:

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